What is TSGLI?
TSGLI provides up to $100,000 of benefits to service members injured on or off duty after October, 2001. TSGLI stands for Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance Traumatic Injury Protection and it provides short-term financial assistance to severely injured Servicemembers and Veterans to help them in their recovery from traumatic injuries. TSGLI covers not just combat and traumatic injuries, but also injuries incurred on or off duty.
If you have SGLI, you are covered by TSGLI. TSGLI coverage applies to active duty members, reservists, and National Guard members, as listed by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs website.
To be eligible for payment of TSGLI, you must meet all of the following requirements:
- You must be insured by SGLI when you experience a traumatic injury
- You must incur a scheduled loss and that loss must be a direct result of a traumatic injury
- You must have suffered the traumatic injury prior to separating from the uniformed services
- You must suffer a scheduled loss within 2 years (730 days) of the traumatic injury
- You must survive for a period of not less than seven full days from the date of the traumatic injury
This benefit is also provided retroactively for Servicemembers who incurred severe losses as a result of traumatic injuries suffered from 2001 to the present, regardless of where the injury occurred or whether coverage was in effect at the time of injury, as noted by Veterans Affairs.
To find out if you are eligible or to file a claim, email US Army veteran and Attorney Nick Liermann and the Pond Lehocky TSGLI team at TSGLI@pondlehocky.com