Pond Lehocky Giordano handles thousands of workers’ compensation claims each year. Those injured workers need physicians like you.
Pond Lehocky Giordano is the largest workers’ compensation law firm in Pennsylvania—measured both by the number of workers’ compensation attorneys at the firm and the number of workers’ compensation claims handled by those attorneys each year.
There are between 8,500 and 12,000 workers’ compensation petitions filed annually in Pennsylvania. Depending on the kind of petition, Pond Lehocky Giordano files between approximately 20% and 40% of the workers’ compensation petitions filed each year in the commonwealth. That means Pond Lehocky Giordano, at any one time, represents thousands of clients who have been injured at work.
And every single one of those injured clients needs a physician to diagnose their injuries, treat them, and put them on the road to recovery.
We take a holistic approach to our clients’ medical conditions.
We believe in taking a holistic approach to our clients’ medical conditions. We want any and all of their symptoms and injuries to be treated promptly and effectively so they can get back to their old lives as soon as possible.
That’s why we have an on-staff medical team dedicated to getting our clients the best medical care at the most convenient locations. The medical staff handles all scheduling and follow-up appointments with medical groups.
Our on-staff medical team often schedules appointments for our clients with the following types of medical groups, depending on their injuries, and is always looking for new medical groups to refer our clients to:
- Chiropractors
- Diagnostic Centers
- Internal Medical Groups
- Mental Health Professionals
- Neurologists
- Neurosurgeons
- Occupational Therapists
- Orthopedists
- Pain Management Physicians
- Physiatrists
- Physical Therapists
- Primary Care Medical Groups
- Rheumatologists
- Surgeons
We also take a holistic approach to our clients’ legal issues and handle additional legal issues beyond workers’ compensation.
Unlike most workers’ compensation law firms, we believe in offering holistic legal service to our clients. We strive to handle any legal issues our clients face.
With our holistic approach, we can help our clients understand that what might appear to them to simply be an injury sustained at work might actually be the kind of injury for which they can file a separate personal injury claim against various defendants—and file a claim for Social Security Disability or short- or long-term disability while they are out of work.
Thanks to our referral network of more than 2,000 lawyers across the United States (and, increasingly, across the world), we can partner with those lawyers to handle practically any legal issue a client may have, including those in the bankruptcy, criminal, employment, family law, personal injury, and real estate law areas.
And when physicians like you refer their patients to us to help them with legal issues, they can rest assured their patients will receive top-notch legal counsel AND client service from us. From a full-time client concierge, to our in-house medical team, to offering clients gently-used professional clothing so they can look their best for court appearances, Pond Lehocky Giordano puts its clients first, always.
We strive to ensure our clients’ treating physicians are promptly—and properly—compensated by workers’ compensation insurance carriers
Unfortunately, many workers’ compensation lawyers and their law firms do not protect their clients’ physicians’ bills. As a result, despite playing an integral role in an injured worker’s recovery from their injury, the worker’s physicians are left holding the bag and are forced to take it upon themselves to obtain payments from insurers for their services.
At Pond Lehocky Giordano, we know how hard physicians work to get our clients back on their feet. That’s why we are happy to help our clients’ treating physicians get paid for their services.
As counsel for injured workers, when employers or insurers claim a course of treatment is unnecessary or unreasonable, we are able to assist physicians by demonstrating the care under review not only improved the painful condition our client suffered as a result of their work injury, but that it also allowed the injured worker to better function, thus satisfying the legal standard for showing that the treatment was necessary or reasonable.
Additionally, when insurers settle with us, it is our practice to include medical expenses as part of the settlement—unlike other workers’ compensation firms—so that our clients’ physicians can get paid for their services.