This weekend, letters to the editor were published in The Morning Call in response to their recent article “Battle over workers’ compensation-opioid bill in Pennsylvania Legislature,” which outlines the controversy surrounding proposed PA House Bill 18. The majority of letters expressed similar opinions: HB-18 favors insurers over injured workers, mocks the professional opinions of medical professionals, and destroys the sanctity of the doctor-patient relationship. The bill seeks to limit the medical treatment options of injured workers, violates their constitutional rights, and damages their ability to properly recover.
One letter from a Nazareth citizen says of the bill: “It heightens the already adversarial and litigious atmosphere that the workers’ compensation system has become. The workers’ compensation law was enacted to fairly balance the rights of both the worker and the employer in a non-fault environment and not to become one-sided. HB-18 should not see the light of day. Call your state representatives and ask them to oppose it.”
Another letter submitted from an attorney who represents injured victims states: “I’ve witnessed the growing trend of insurers striving to gain more control over the medical process. That’s exactly what House Bill 18 enables. Do not be fooled. HB-18 is focused on minimizing medical costs for insurers — not on improving patient outcomes. Every patient should have the right to a customized treatment plan from a doctor whose chief concern is that patient’s recovery.”
To speak out against HB-18 and its draconian and regressive reforms, reach out to your state representative and urge them to vote against the bill. Click here to find your representative’s contact information. You can also speak out by clicking here to sign the petition against HB-18, and follow PA Works Now on Twitter to stay abreast of news concerning the workers of Pennsylvania.