
Stop House Bill 1800 from further stripping injured workers’ rights to quality medical care

The recently introduced House Bill 1800 could jeopardize your right to receive quality healthcare from your doctor. The bill would impose “evidence-based medical treatment guidelines” for injuries, meaning that doctors would have to follow a specific course of treatment rather than rely on their own judgement as to what is best for you.

This bill would further strip workers of their right to control their medical care. It favors insurance companies and is concerned only with cost-containment, not individuals hurt on the job and struggling to recover.

Help us stop House Bill 1800

House Bill 1800 could jeopardize injured workers’ right to receive quality healthcare from their own doctor. The bill would like to impose “evidence-based medical treatment guidelines” for injuries, meaning that doctors would have to follow a specific course of treatment rather than rely on their own judgement as to what is best for injured workers.

Sign the Petition

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