Managing Partner Sam Pond was featured as guest speaker at the recent Injured Workers’ Advocacy Program (IWAP) board meeting in Philadelphia. IWAP is a non-profit organization created to provide services and support for injured workers and to advocate for their rights.
Sam called upon the board to take action against House Bill 18 (HB-18), a bill proposed by PA State Representative Ryan Mackenzie that, if passed, would harm an injured worker’s right to adequate health care. Masquerading as an attempt to reduce opiate usage, HB-18 would ultimately allow insurance companies to profit at the expense of injured workers, pain, suffering, and decreased quality of life.
The bill’s provisions would allow insurance companies to control the medical care of injured workers by mandating a specific drug list, or formulary, that severely limits doctors’ ability to prescribe necessary medications, thus preventing workers from receiving the treatment they need to get better.
Sam addressed questions from the audience and gave an in-depth review of the short and long-term implications of this dangerous legislation. He urged Board members to do everything within their power to ensure that House Bill 18 is not signed into law.
Join the fight to stop House Bill 18 by reaching out to your elected representative and urging them to vote NO on HB 18. Click here to find out who your legislators are and locate their contact information.