Pond Lehocky Stern Giordano helps put injured and disabled workers’ lives back together. To further its commitment to its clients, the firm is giving back with a scholarship opportunity.
The annual Pond Lehocky Stern Giordano Scholarship aids the friends, family members and colleagues of injured workers in the pursuit of higher education. The $5,000 annual scholarship is open to everyone currently accepted to or enrolled in higher education and is not limited to any particular university. Applicants must have had some personal connection to a work-related injury.
Applicants are asked to submit a 500-word essay on an experience you have had with a work injury, how the experience impacted you, and how this scholarship will be helpful to you. The work injury could be one you experienced, or one experienced by a friend, family member or colleague.
More information about the application process and eligibility guidelines is available at https://old.pondlehocky.com/scholarships/. The deadline to submit an application and essay is May 10.
With the scholarship, Pond Lehocky reaffirms that its dedication to provide holistic care to injured and disabled workers that extends beyond the legal process. Providing a scholarship to those impacted by work injuries recognizes the struggles clients face to be made whole again.