On October 13, 2018, Associate Morty Cassidy will be serving on the panel of this year’s Bench-Bar & Annual Conference held by the Philadelphia Bar Association. Morty will be speaking on the topic of Alternative Treatment for Chronic Pain: Treating Outside of Opioids.
“In light of the opioid crisis and current statewide action to address this crisis, such as the proposed executive order of Governor Wolf, it has become very important for practitioners and judges alike to understand what alternatives are available to opioids.”
Some of the alternatives discussed include basic injections such as epidurals as well as more advanced treatments like intrathecal pumps with sea snail venom. Morty will be discussing the interplay between the treatment options and the Utilization Review process of determining the reasonableness and necessity of the treatments alongside interventional pain medicine specialist, Dr. David Qu and defense attorney Andrea Rock.