
Partner Jerry Lehocky Guest Speaker at the Pennsylvania Bar Institute’s Superstars of Litigation Seminar

Partner Jerry Lehocky was a featured speaker at the Pennsylvania Bar Institute’s “Superstars of Litigation: A Day on Personal Injury” seminar at the CLE Conference Center in Philadelphia. He joined a prestigious lineup of fifteen other top litigators from the area in presenting on the different aspects of personal injury law to a diverse crowd of attorneys. Jerry’s lecture, “Workers’ Compensation Considerations in PI Cases,” focused on the rules and ethics related to physical injuries in the workplace and the rights of injured employees.

During his speech, Jerry highlighted a common and incredibly dangerous myth workers face when dealing with a work injury: almost all injured employees are told that they MUST treat with a company doctor.

“The biggest myth in workers’ compensation is that when someone gets injured on the job, they are required to treat with the company doctor for ninety days. That is absolutely not true,” Jerry asserted. “I can tell you that when I see clients, all the time they tell me ‘my supervisor told me I had to go to employee health.’ That’s not true.”

Jerry expanded on this myth in a recent blog post, adding that “Not only can you treat with your own doctor, but you should.” For the injured worker, being in control of their medical care is essential for the protection of both their long term health and their rights. To learn more about the myths surrounding workers’ compensation, click here.

The Pennsylvania Bar Institute (PBI) is afully self-supporting non-profit organization, dedicated to continuing legal education. Their mission is to provide Pennsylvania lawyers with information that is timely, practical, cost effective, and of the highest possible quality through the Pennsylvania Bar Association. To learn more about the PBI and their services, click here.

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