Partner Jerry Lehocky was recently named honoree of the Milton D. Rosenberg Award by the President of the Pennsylvania Association for Justice (PAJ), Tom Anapol. The award is named after the late and widely admired former President of the PAJ, Milton D. Rosenberg. It is granted each year to a qualifying trial lawyer who devotes their time to injured victims, displays qualities of leadership, continues to serve the PAJ, and best represents Milton D. Rosenberg’s values and high standards.
As a former President of the PAJ from 2013 to 2014, Jerry has strong ties to the association and has continued to support PAJ throughout the years. Jerry will be receiving the award at the Association’s Annual Retreat on June 16th at The Hotel Hershey. The retreat will honor Mr. Anapol as well as welcome new President Lisa Benzie.
The Pennsylvania Association for Justice has over 2,000 plaintiff attorney members in Pennsylvania, and is dedicated to upholding and defending the American legal system. To learn more about the PAJ and their work, click here.
To learn more about the Milton D. Rosenberg Award, click here.