Pond Lehocky Stern Giordano Managing Partner Sam Pond was recently inducted into the 2016-2017 class of the World Association for Cooperative Education (WACE) Co-op Hall of Fame. The Hall of Fame recognizes outstanding university alumni who have helped advance the cause of cooperative and work-integrated education. Sam, a 1981 Drexel graduate, was personally nominated for the honor by Drexel University’s president John Fry.
As a member of the WACE Hall of Fame, Sam will continue working with students in cooperative and work-integration education programs at Drexel and other prominent colleges. These programs include opportunities like internships, semesters in industry, international co-op exchanges, study abroad, service learning, and community service.
Pond Lehocky Stern Giordano also provides internships at the firm for law students, which have the potential to lead to full-time positions.
WACE is an organization dedicated to linking the world’s leading higher education institutions, employers and public authorities, all of whom share a profound commitment to preparing new generations for a lifetime of professional success in today’s global & diverse workforce. As part of its efforts to increase participation in co-ops, WACE distributes a publication called “The Best of Co-op: A Guide to the Leading Colleges and Employers” to every public and private high school in the United States. The organization administers a $4.5 million National Co-op Scholarship Program to several hundred thousand prospective college students.
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