On Monday, March 6, Pond Lehocky Attorney Erica Shikunov joined host Dennis Straub on his live call in television show “Injured Workers of PA” on BCTV.
Erica and Dennis discussed workers’ compensation and the latest legislative threats to workers’ rights. Pennsylvania House Bill 18, proposed by Representative Ryan Mackenzie, seeks to remove an injured worker’s right to appropriate and adequate health care.
Erica revealed in-depth how the bill’s provisions would allow insurance companies to control the medical care of injured workers by mandating a specific drug formulary that severely limits the prescribing of necessary medications, preventing workers from receiving the treatment they need to get better. House Bill 18, masquerading as an attempt to reduce opiate usage, would ultimately allow insurance companies to profit at the expense of the injured worker’s pain, suffering and decreased quality of life.
Click here to watch a recording of the broadcast.
Join the fight to stop House Bill 18 by reaching out to your elected representative and urging them to vote NO on HB 18. Click here to find out who your representative is and click here to find out who your senator is, and locate their contact information.
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