Pond Lehocky Giordano launched the inaugural Promote the Vote campaign this year, signing up more than 30 first-time Election Day volunteers. Each attorney and staff member who volunteered were paid for the day. On Election Day, the firm handed out more than 1,000 voting stickers, 200 water bottles, 90 t-shirts, and 40 hand sanitizers to voters across the region.
The innovative and impactful initiative was born out of the firm’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee. The Committee wanted the first project to make a powerful change with the best place to make a real impact: at the polls. The goal was to not only promote voting with staff and clients, but also encourage people to volunteer on Election Day and participate in our nation’s election process.
“This was just the start of something that will be part of our firm’s fabric for every election to come.Promote the Vote is here to stay,” founding partner Thomas J. Giordano said. “Moreover, it’s just the start of our DEI Committee and all of the wonderful things that I know we will accomplish moving forward.”
To grow the efforts, Pond Lehocky challenged other law firms in the legal community to Promote the Vote and offer their employees a paid day to vote and volunteer. Three firms followed suit, including Kline and Specter who published a front-page ad in The Legal Intelligencer responding to our call to “Promote the Vote.”