Award is given annually to the individual who best exemplifies the integrity and values held by the late Pennsylvania Supreme Court justice. Philadelphia (July 13, 2023) – Pond Lehocky Giordano LLP managing partner Samuel H. Pond has been named by the Philadelphia...
Schedule Free Legal Consultation Have you missed work due to heat illness contracted at your place of employment? This is considered a work injury, and you may be able to file a claim. To schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with the legal experts at Pond...
Pond Lehocky Giordano is investigating injury claims on behalf of individuals who received a metal-on-metal medical implant, developed metallosis, and underwent a revision surgery. Most of the relevant lawsuits concern metal-on-metal hip replacements; however,...
Throughout the country, many people that have suffered injuries, infections, and other negative health events due to defective implanted port catheters have started to pursue national litigation against Bard, the manufacturer of these medical devices. Other prominent...
Since Vicodin’s and Percocet’s introductions in the 1970s, and notably since OxyContin’s introduction in the late 1990s, doctors have prescribed potent opioids to injury victims, including injured workers, so they could manage their chronic pain. But as we’ve seen in...